Marketing is basically everything you do to put your product or service in front of potential customers, including public relations, sales and distribution. To attract or increase interest in your business, most likely you are going to be promoting it in the form of advertising. If you are involved in marketing, you should at least learn the basics of advertising.
So you have already begun building your prospect list. You have exhausted your warm market:
- Who is in your household?
-Who are your friends & neighbours?
-Who is your barber? Your Dentist?
- Who do you work with?
- Who do you see often? etc.
Using your email contacts will also allow you to build a list of prospects.
NB. E-mailing people who do not know you with information they did not ask for is regarded as SPAM.
If you have not started emailing prospects yet, try starting with all the persons in your address book. Send them a hello message (don’t talk about your business) and remember to put your referral link as the email signature line. Your signature line can be a word or phrase that you link your affiliate URL to. For example: your signature line could say “Healing Products” but when clicked on, it would take you to your website that lists your products.
Compile all the addresses, including snail mail addresses, of all the persons you have completed business with – who has paid you or who you’ve paid. Send them an email/mail message or thank you card, thanking them for doing business with you and make sure that your linked signature line is in place.
NB. You may also use mailing lists, such as SAFELISTPLUS and EMAILHOG to help get your message out.
You are now thinking of achieving greater reactions to your opportunities by tapping into your cold market (prospects you do not know). You have started meeting strangers; saying hello, finding a topic of mutual interest, sharing and hinting about your current activity. But how do you reach persons out of direct contact with you?
In order for complete strangers to respond to you about your opportunities, you must advertise in the appropriate places. The more ads you place the more exposure you will have. Spend some time creating text and graphic ads to use in your campaigns. Bear in mind that graphic ads tend to direct more attention to your opportunities. If you create a text ad, try adding a picture or link to it.
There are many places where you can place your ads! Some are free with an option to upgrade and some are not! You can post ads on blogs, bulletin boards, your personal or business websites, RSS feeds, your profile page on social networks, in online groups, communities, forums, magazines, in online and offline newspapers, etc. Below are a few places that will allow business opportunity ad placements and where you can start your campaigns.
NB. Read the terms of each site as they have rules on how often or whether or not you are allowed to post the same ad more than once.
Free online classifieds are a great alternative to newspaper classifieds. TIP: When you're on some of these sites, always look at their "links" as this will give you an opportunity for more sites to place your ads.
1. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/ (Jamaica, Ja. Star, North America & UK Gleaner)
2. http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/ (Jamaica)
3. Western Mirror Advertising: Tel: 876-952-5253/5352/7028 Fax: 876-952-9463
Email: advertising@westernmirror.com (Jamaica)
4. Trinidad Express Newspaper - http://www.expressclassifiedstt.com/
5. Big City Advertising (Global)
6. Clixsense Advertising (now Ysense)
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